Born 1960 in Wiesbaden, lives and works in Berlin.

Selection of exhibitions

2015 "Häuser", with Doris Hinzen-Röhrig and Christine Falk, Stadtmuseum St. Wendel - Mia-Münster-Haus, St. Wendel, Saarland;
  "Water Abstracts", Project Art Lounge, Tokyo, Japan, curator Andrew Luedders
2014/15 Wolfgang Leber, Ludmila Seefried-Matejkova, Silvia Sinha - Painting, Sculpture, Photography; Galerie der Moderne, Berlin;
2014/15 "Streiflichter" - Painting & Photography, with Doris Hinzen-Röhrig, Petruskirche, Berlin
2014 "Berlin Photography", 6th European Month of Photography, with Frank Silberbach, Stephanie Steinkopf, Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk; Carpentier Galerie, Berlin
2013/14 "Winter", GEDOK-Galerie, Berlin
2013 "LIGHT BREAKS", with Kamila Najbrtová and Michele Schuff, Project Art Lounge, Basel, Switzerland, curator Andrew Luedders;
  “Photographic Abstractions”, Manzini, Berlin; in cooperation with Carpentier Galerie, Berlin;
  "konkret und losgelöst", with Brigitte Henker-Hansmann, Paining and Drawing,
Galerie 8 Tauben, Berlin/Buch
2012 "ARTiges 2012", Kunstverein Ottbrunn e.V., Ottobrunn (Kat.);

"Raum" - Kunstpreis 2012, QQArt-Galerie, Hilden;

"HeART for Hope" Project by the Duang Prateep Foundation, Grand Central World Complex, Bangkok, Thailand

2011 "100-Tage-Kunst", Ballhaus Düsseldorf, Verein Düsseldorfer Künstlerinnen (VDK);

NordArt 2011, Büdelsdorf/Rendsburg (Kat.);

"25th anniversary galerie futura", with Annette Domberger, Karin Christiansen, Doris Hinzen-Röhrig, Hella Horstmeier and Monika Sieveking, galerie futura, Berlin;

"Vom Ursprung", with Matthias Contzen, Sculptures, and Christine Contzen, Painting, galerie futura, Berlin;

Große Kunstausstellung NRW 2011 - Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, (Kat.)

2010 14. Wiesenburger Kunsttage, Wiesenburg/Mark;

Free architectural photography and artistic documentation in the buildings of the Jugendhilfezentrum Raphaelshaus, Dormagen, (collection in permanent exhibition);

Huntenkunst 2010, Art Fair Doetinchem, Netherlands

2009 Magistrale 2009, Berlin;

"Mit Kunst leben, Künstlerinnen fördern", Collection Christel Wankel, Insel Galerie, Berlin